Selasa, 28 Maret 2017

green canyon garut

green canyon garut

after punding rice, i feel likemy muscle gets stronger than usual well then, it's time to seethe granary. while we're going here,we see there was people that... bring rice on their shoulder. then we know that actually, i thoughtthere's a door or something... like you have to open it firstand put the rice, but it's not... actually, they just throwthe rice like... they're having fun. people in here must be goodat basketball.

one set rice can be 4-7 kilos. wow, they're strong. bro, sist, i'm curious whatthe granary looked like that is.. ..holy? aki karma said thatif you want to go inside, we... have to make offerings first.usually money or a pack of cigarettes. we heard that the rice can be storedfor a long time... - how long this could last, ki?- it can be hundred of years. - it's hundred of years to the bottom.- oh, those at the bottom? - yes- it means these at the top are...

- new?- yes, new. it means this is a quality seeds,isn't it ki? how much moneythat people here need, ki? money has no limit.but eating does. that's it!that is the true prosperity. for all people from other place,when they come to eat, it'll be easy. if the money to buy the results of spending,for eating four thousands... or five thousands is not so hard. aki karma really moved moved that..

i want to prove my heartto naya and try like... ciptagelar's people that puta set of rice to granary. man, look at this! thosescattered rice should be taken... from the not waste it, man. wow, teh umi's dress looks this typical clothes ciptagelar? yes, this one called kebaya and in ciptagelar... a woman should bewearing kebaya and... sarung or sinjing for subordinate clothes.and for man, there's important thing... should be wearing a headbandlike you do.

well if you come to ciptagelar,and want to feels to be like... local people here...- wear this headband. and then why all of thesegranaries so full. what's going on?- incidentally... we've just finished harvesting,so all of the crops are put... into this barnsand soon we'll be having... the most festive ceremony,most crowded, could be said as... the main event in ciptagelarwhich is serentaun. - what is serentaun?- serentaun could be consider like...

ciptagelar's versionsof thanksgiving. be grateful about last yearagricultural products.. so we thank god also to... ancestors who had guardedand blessed us.. with everything.. after we've foundthe answer of life, in fact... now i know that here has a eventthat's so festive and it... only in harvest season.the event called serentaun. well, serentaun is heldin three villages.

in sinaresmi, ciptarasa,and ciptagelar well this event is very festive,and by chance... the first event is heldin sinaresmi. if you guys are curiouswhere epic and festa team are... they are right there filming. now we are here at sinaresmi kasepuhanthat is located... not so far away from pelabuhan ratu,it's about one hour and a half. sinaresmi villageor kasepuhan sinaresmi is actually... the pioneer fromkasepuhan ciptamulya...

and kasepuhan ciptagelar. epic team right now isin sinaresmi to see... clearly the preparationof serentaun event and also to meet... with sinaresmi's elders, to getthe explanation of the relationship... between sinaresmi and fact, both village were... a descendant of the same village, man.well like brothers. brother village, is that cool? jalan jalan men! man, to create rasa, create gelar, done.

and to make the trip to sinaresmiofficial also done. therefore we are just waitingfor naya's last enlightment. nay, i've found life for you. because of it,you'll live with me. - what is it?- rice that ate by t-rex. braw, you're so good to makethe ordinary situation to... peaceful and comfort for me. nay? this is it.

this is what i've been waiting for.the incoming enlightment. - take me.- take me. - take me- yes, we know that. take me to. - take me to indonesia.- this is indonesia. take me to east indonesia. yeah! i get those words.take me to east indonesia. but we already there. maybe we have to go much morefurther to the east.

and it means that we have tojalan jalan men. finally i got the enlightmentthat i've been waiting for... which is, if i want to marry naya,i have to take her to east indonesia. and it has come to an endmy 8 days trip in west java. that actually was so cool.during the trip i feel... getting closer with naya, becausei know more about sundanese in her. and also sundanese in mewho also have indian blood. i'm so happy, man. have met withnew friends and willing... to let a new pet go.i feel more mature in the adventure.

and hopefully next tripcould be more cool. therefore, ciptagelar has createda new title for me... and from now onyou'll recognize me as... superhero traveller. man, me as a citizenwho live where lots of... high buildings, cars, rich people,always feel like... emptiness at heart, man. but them, ciptagelar's peoplewho never face... underprivileged.

they are well off,maybe because of their philosophy. money is not the problem,and they actually live in harmony... to the nature. they actuallyapply sri dewi's philosophy. where they are equal to nature. for example, they give a houseto their rice just like... they treat people.and they take care the rice... because they know that they needthe rice as the rice... need us, people, to grow... and that is our job as a humanto put ourselves in harmony...

with the nature, so the nature can livebecause of us, and we live.. because the nature.

green canyon garut Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Melissa Nur Aulia El-Zulfa

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