my name is malayna felix. i study zoology and i am a western river guide i look forward to it every year. i was looking for adventure i was looking for something that would push me outside by what i'd ever known before, guiding has been all that and more. it completely changed who i am as a person and its really fun. you get people out here they step outside themselves and they come to know a part of themselves that they have never known before. and its great watching that transformation. i love it because i can use my degree.
i'm studying zoology and i get really excited about showing people the flora and fauna out here, and the geology and just getting people excited about the things that i am excited about. cataract canyon is great! it has phenomenal rapids any water level phenomenal geology that just changeswith every mile. there is indian history, there is outlaw history. the food is great. its just a four day trip to spend with your family and your new friends. there are people that meon these trips that plan future trips together,
so the people that you meet on western trips often become lifelong friends. #westernriverexpeditions #desolation canyon